Saturday, May 30, 2009 (9:04 PM)
Mum locked my computer. So im secretly using her computer without her knowing.
i couldn't sleep yesterday night. kept on rolling in bed. then Mum came in to check on me. So I pretended to sleep, like just close eyes. And then she switch on my monitor, go to the admin account and set password to my account. dammit. kinda pissed wif her now. dun understand why i can't use the com when it's the hols.
Trng yesterday was tiring but nevertheless quite refreshing. felt good after the I-didn't-slack-! trng. I recently watched Stick it and the Cutting Edge series. Stick it is a good movie. meaningful. the cutting edge a bit i-dunno-how-to-describe, but still not bad. My dad bought a lot of weird storybooks for me. said he want me to read during the hols. but then i see the back of the storybook, the synopsis very weird and kinda start to lose intrest in reading those books. im interested in Percy jackson, i wanna acquire a new series to think about.
Today morning, I got to play with FangYi:):) then swimmin' was suppose to be very easy but then it wasn't to me, cos I was tired and not in the mood at all. SUICIDE. omg tat sucks. died after the 3 sets. but ohwells. damn. later tuition have to go myself. but then at night im gonna watch Camp Rock. i so long haven't watch already. And Joe Jonas obviously:):) lols, I've not taken down the posters in my room. too lazy. Wed to come:D Bond with my swim mates yeah!
Friday, May 29, 2009 (4:39 AM)
Today practically whole day was at my great-grandma's
Ok so the past few days were like rituals and all, and then me and a few of my cousins didn't join in, like just watched.
~Rest In Peace~ Great Grandma
I have an intention of being a Christian. Just want to be. Oh my new bible is very nice! hahas. and the readings are quite interesting. Maybe I wait a few years lah
I really do start to have some serious hate towards swimming. firstly, it is so time consuming. secondly, the chances are so slim. thirdly, it just suck. i mean, train so freakin hard and much, but don't even have much outcomes?! whatthehell pole vault is so much nicer:):) but anyway, it's a good thing Zhai is back. I hate the gay.
So holidays are here. So shiok. least dun have to see clement's face for like 1 whole month! and I have like a lot of things comin' up I think. Next Wed have to meet up wif 2 of my seniors and Brittany to do the stupid swimming board. but the design quite nice, and I think it should gonna be fun. and another thing, Sec1s probably have to meet up to do the poems for Sec4s!:) Then there's the collaboration and all. Then there's the going-out thing wif the team!!!:D Ok, so I wanna go out with Amanda too!(: Oh and rachel(: and I also dunno what else lah
Last 2 days of school was enrichment day. quite suck for the 2nd day. first day we had the drama lecture which was kinda =.= then the creativity workshop. ok that one not bad lahhs. then the movie. uh a lot of people cried. esp. Raphaella. I was really surprised, considering that she's the kind who's emotions ain't this kinda. but yeah, the movie was touching. And i dun cry over movies or books in front of people. then second day was YOG project work presentation which was totally stupid! and boring. mostly i was doing cards for my seniors. then the even shitified translation course, which OMG we have to suffer for the next 1 term more or so. ): so boring. so stupid. so useless. so hard. so dumb. so did with Amanda. and we didn't bother doing it properly, like anyhow scribble garbage. then after awhile started tokin' about Britain's Got Talent. very funnyy. keep on laughing about the singing souls and Mr Methane. then she asked what made him can fart so much! hahahahahahhahahahahahaha
Thursday, May 28, 2009 (1:27 AM)
Bus Ride
Left school. Took my usual bus toPayaLebar and guess wat? I saw YuQian and Sophia waiting at the bus stop for 53 also. So coincidental. They were probably shocked too:) oh anyway, we were tokin' halfway waiting for the bus, when this weird guy suddenly sat so close to Sophia. so obviously she move a little bit away. then after awhile, the manhold up his oilment and go ask her whether she want a few drops of his olilment???!!!! so awkward. then our bus came, and it so happens that the weird guy was oso takin' the same bus.
continue tokin' to them. and then the guy suddenly stood up and said 'listen carefully. do not leave ur brain in ur drawer. u must take it along wif u when u go out' he was like jus saying it so everyone could hear?! and then me yuqian and sophia was like staring at the retarded guy. i mean, so weird, hu suddenly stand up and say some retarded shit?! then he drop off the bus. so we started laughing. sophia drop off the bus still laughing. lols
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 (9:23 AM)
I can't believe I can actually pass the science quiz when I was rushing through the freakin' 4 minutes left without even watching the video. Like just random pick and all. I've watched 3 movies today!:)
1) Prince Caspian
2) Moulin Rouge
3) A Walk to Remember
all are cool. Esp. Prince Caspain. OMG so freakin' cool mann, the effects .I'm gonna watch a 1 million times again.
Talent shows rawk. They really do. The best thing about these kind of reality TV shows, including Idol and X Factor, is to watch the auditions and crack up after that. Cos it's oh-so-funny! The audition of the 3 girl trio in Britain's got talent which I posted to my blog was so unpleasantly horrible. And then Simon said 'you sounded like cats being dragged up the mole2a (?), it's jus awful' so funny:) their singing is yuckily all out tune and jus yucks. but I keep on watching their audition cos it's just amusing to watch. Hilarious.
Got pissed during training today. Why? cos of this damn girl called. Rachellee. OMFG she real SUCKS! so confident, so full of herself, I nearly wanted to bash her up and give her a piece of my mind. walked to MRT with senior. and then saw Coach Li on the way there. Haha she apparently just went to Cold Storage to buy stuff. And we, apparently, took our own sweet time. So, when she was done with her grocery shopping, we were still walking to the MRT. that's how I call wasting time.
I have to go to Great Grandma's wake tom. And the obituary was in the chinese papers. 7 thousand plus to put it up. And yea noe, all our names are there, including mine. 'ours' means all my cousins. and all my dad's cousins. and my grandma's newphews and nieces. so yupp, there was like so many many names down there, the obituary was the one which had the most names. And when I go there tom, dad said girls have to wear some sort of uniform(?) like yellow (?) i dunno. and then the boys wear blue(?) I guess I just have to you noe, keep quiet at all, since I dunno majority of the people there. except my direct cousins.
Rest in peace, Great Grandma. god will always keep you safe up there. You've lived a life full of happiness and do not have any regrets.
Monday, May 25, 2009 (10:09 PM)
my wallnut:)
so I'm like sitting in front of the computer, watching Prince Caspian, and having my oh-so-awesome lunch:P
at least I completed some stuff on eLearning this morning. maybe I'll come home tonight and do finish the rest.
I just so don't want to do the shit PE assignment, which I think has no meaning in doing it at all. And the rubbishy english memoir crap, when we oredi written our gradede memoirs. so wat the heck is the point?!
(7:29 PM)
The Veronicas Untouched Official Music Video
Nice MV!:)
(9:30 AM)
Singing Souls - Britain's Got Talent - Show 2
watch this!
this is hilarious, when the judges say their attitude problems.
however, the freak-ass middles girl is jus a whole lotta red whore loser
and simon press the bell very funny
(9:09 AM)
Great-Grandma passed away today. Rest in peace. I'm sorry I didn't know you well enough to know what your age is. May you have a good after life up there, and I know that you'll be watching over your sons and daughters and grand children and the continued generation.
No school today. E-learning. Turned out worse than I expected. There's so much hoework to do!!):
Anyway, I was half-heartedly doing it. Half doing, half watching Britain's got talent, half watching America's got talent, half watching my movie, and then just half downloading music. So I only completed like 5 course packages?! Forget it mann. I hate E-Learning!
Oh I downloaded almost all of Adam and Kris's studio recordings!:) No Boundaries by both of them is awesome. I hate to admit this, but Kris has a nice voice also, to be honest. But Adam's is better. MAd World rocks!
I'm addicted to Faint by Linkin' Park. That's song's jus too great.
And I havent' done the cards for my seniors!): Gonna miss them when they leave the school):
Ok, I'm gonna continue wit the damn homework. Tata
Saturday, May 23, 2009 (11:41 PM)
my sister is the shittiest shit in the world. oh hell. why am i even acknowledging her as a sister. garbage
~mad world~. adamlambert
(12:05 AM)
Adam didn't wanted him too. His voice is incredibly awesomeee esp. when he sang Mad World, it's so unbelievably, anyway I downloaded it already. So I can as and when listen whenever I want. Which probably is replaying and replaying it again and again:) I'm gonna buy his debut album, and all his other albums after that, however much it cost. Cos it's gonna be all so rockish. He's so hott!:P The black eyeliner and the nail polish! aaaahhhh
And obviously Kris Allen won.....took away Adam's place. But actually on second thought, he's not so bad. At least better than the previous idls like Jordin Sparks):! I hate her! She's so -.- Kris's apologize is nice, so I downloaded it too!:)
The finale was ok. Just bit weird at some parts like um....I dunno?......
Yesterday after school, I used the whitboard marker and drew on Natalie's face e e e e e she so cute, but her eeaction so slow, I drew a few e's then she realised she is being drawn on. Went for Jubilate! Not bad. Except LD was a bit boring cos didnt' really understand the story. I think the choirs were the best and the orchestras and band was outstanding as well. Chinese dance was nicer than the modern dance in my opinion, cos I thought the modern dance was kinda messy and not co-ordinated at some parts. No offence. Overall, 8/10 and I saw quite a number of my seniors and my captain! OMG my captain so yucks and bimbo! The way she dress nearly choked my lungs and the image she looked was painful to the eyes. Her heels was all the more ashamedly disgusting and unsightly. whatever. Rachel cut her hair short. she look funny. haha rachel
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 (8:23 AM)
Horrible Days
To Emily:
Sorry for whatever u thought I did wrong
Truth is, I don't really noe wat I did wrong.
But ya, I sincerely apologise.
What I did cannot be taken back.
Maybe what happened to anyone of us is god's will. or a punishment for my wrongdoings.
Geography in the morning. Sending songs from Denise's phone to my phone. And I accidentally pressed the 'play' button. And music played so loud, then teacher was like staring at me. Felt a bit bad. Like breaking a school rule. Thankfully, not Clement or form teacher or ugly gargoyle.
Maths lesson: yucks! over 1 hour! TanTockSeng lah! so retarded! he tries to act funny, but portrays a lame image of himself. like giggling?!?!
after tat, had sports day heats. uh, did 100m, was a stupid choice but anyway for fun larh. i can't sprint anyway. but im doing 1500m and 800m most probably, maybe only for sports day. then had meeting. had to vote for captain and vice-captains. Chantal for captain, Ivy and MinMin vice captains, for my votes. and I was tryin' my best not to look in someone's direction and yes! it succeeded, if not i would start bitching in the middle of meeting. meeting was so suck-ish, had the dumb open house discussion, so boring. so merely talked and not bother listening to the people discussing. ate my super late lunch wif senior after meeting then went trng together. senior, as usual, was crapping away:)
when like reached trng place, like i got bit tired and felt 'jelly'. at least, the person i hate didn't come for trng. when the stupid weird idiotic guy came, started swimming. and it was frekain' horrible. 10x100m free kick was so tiring. 8x200m IM was worse. and then after these sets, the idiot guy go scold us. and then stupid senior lah, muttered to herself 'yay' when the guy said 'almost 8o'clock but ur haven't done any serious trng'. senior go laugh at her comment and then cause i was mext to her so i heard her stupid 'yay' and then she started laughing and then i was tryin' to control. then the guy lah, shouted at her 'wat's so funny?!!!!!!!!!!' so she stopped laughing. good.
so our final set was 10x200m free for me, was like 2000m free continuous cos i couldnt' catch up wif the other swimmers, and i only realised why i couldn't catch wif the other swimmers at a later time. trng officially ended at 8.50 so late-.- usual time is always like 8.20 or 8.30 then my fater waited so long for me so he was scolding me all the way back home-.- only when i got home, i realised i had fever-.- so tat was probably why i couldn't catch up with the rest, and so slow during trng.
Chinese Compo was feeling a bit groggy. so jus scribbled rubbish down. design&tech managed to catch some sleep, cos entertainment product was done oredi. recess went wif rachel claudia cheryl-ann and THEIDIOTSHIT. I HATE HER LARH! i guessed correctly tat she was sms-ing cheryl-ann about wat shit?! being left out and we ignore her! so lame lah! like she like tat to us before, so we giving her same treatment. then chem. then the useless maths lesson. then IPW.
called out for interrogations. and uh, ya i developed a new hatred towards 1 of them. firstly, she was rude. secondly, she only look a a person's story. thirdly, she did NOT see both sides. fourthly, she said that i should control my mouth. fifthly, she suck at dealing wif people. sixly, she acts so much. sevenly, i was so pissed wif her that i almost shut my mouth throughout the hole ting, excpet for abt 5-6 lines. eightly, i can't stand her last but not least
When i got back to clas, i found out suppose to write a letter to lao shi, but didn't bother anyway. cos i thought it was a waste of time. aiya anyway, no time. then denise came to me and told me something and oso she found pieces of paper. so me her and a lot of other ppl crowd around m desk to fix a jigsaw puzzle. completed abt half when chem started. after chem, stayed back until 4 to continue fixing it. and yeah, we now noe how the jigsaw puzzle look like!:) people hu created them, they tink they so smart tat nobody will noe, but see, there's so many ppl out there that can fix. even us, hu u probably tink we r stupid brainless oafs. but heyy! we r like smarter than u! and yes, thanks for calling me the 'f' word. i noe im extremely popular in ur world. however, please dun look down on all the people u listed, cos look here, u r hated more than liked. tat's all i gotta say. whether or not complaints will be lodged, tat's up to the majority.
Ok, so i finished my recounts of my 2 horrible days. now im tryin' to rush through EOT.
American Idol jus now. Adam was jus so extremely unbelievably awesomeee:):):):):) Adam rocks!:D
Sunday, May 17, 2009 (8:28 AM)
Saturday, May 16, 2009 (9:41 AM)
Got pissed off cos of form teacher. I don't noe which one I detest most, Mr Tan or her. Both are making me fed-up. And got a few friends oso giving me stupid problems or thinking: Charmaine, Emma, Chelsea, JiaMin, Angeline, Emily, and I dunno....ohya 2.4 was yesterday, im still surprised I didn't stop to walk, timing was ok.
Weights trng during pole vaulting yesterday. Uh, it wasn't fun at all, cos the weights were freaking heavy. Like almost killed my chest. There's this irritating boy, so irritating! He jus join the so-called academy, act like he noes everything, people wan to teach him pole drills, try to act like he's an old horse and so stand-offish. Anyways, pole vaulting rocks!:) so fun, oh except workout, that one's boring......
Sat down for a full straight 3 hours just studying maths! Wasn't fun obviously, was plugging music and blasting to the fullest, but yeah.....still got stuff went inside my head. After that, watched Yes Man and Harry Potter5 then went for trng.
whattheheck trng is horrible! Zhai is currently not in Singapore so have to train under this weird guy and his sets r all so long and boring that I seriously did not put in any effort at all the whole trng, because I cant be bothered to and so not motivated to. senior oso slacked, kinda. Then after trng, took my time to bathe, got hungry, so I was deciding whether to buy food from the cafe or not but in the end did not cos so expensive. So me and senior walked to 7-eleven and took a long 10min+ to decide wat to buy. I suggested chips, and she said she dun wan cos she'll get fat. But still got chips anyway, cos we suddenly got so tempted. walk the long way to MRT instead of the usual bus. eat chips and talk while walking. senior very funny, tok a lot of stupid crap. because of wasting time and walking, came home half an hour later than usual.
Ok something else. Adam!!!:) He's so cute:) Looks so like Pete Wentz and Elvis Presley. He's so gonna win American idol. Rather than the Kris Allen, so lousy lah he
Monday, May 11, 2009 (9:14 AM)
Pissed off!
If she is reading this, I'm truly sorry. I just need to went my anger somewhere. But I'm really pissed with you.
Charmaine pissed me off, as well as rachel. Actually, quite fun to argue with her, hahas
Friday, May 8, 2009 (8:51 AM)
Freedom Writers scene about holocaust and racial divisions
My favourite scene from freedom writers. The blonde guy very poor thing): Anyway, enjoy! Freedom writers' rocks! :):)
(8:46 AM)
I can't really blog often

A lot of stuff recently happened in school. Some people noe, but most people dunnoe, i guess...
Tan Tock Seng is very 'shibai', means hopeless in english. He goes '1Hope, can u stop tokin' and listen to me? and no one bothers him, and i think maybe some probably didn'y heard him. lols. very funny. seeing him so helpless tryin' to control our wonder i keep on laughing during maths lesson today:)
Form teacher is starting to gain my hate. she's so unreasonable. my reflection now will be on IPW.
CaiQian didn't do anything at all. she only road 2 bubble word, 'diet' and 'energy' and in the end, erased 'energy' away. so the other group members including me were very pissed off. The worst THING EVER, WAS THE PRESENTATION!!! URGH! so irritating. While presenting, we stated all the reasons and all our summaries and then someone still have to ask why, what, what, how all the stupid questions!!! so i came to the conclusions that she is not listening to us but just seeing how we preset ourselves. and then she'll grade us. nobody grades like that. everyone grade by whether the informationn presented is relevant or not, not whatever crapp way she wanted to grade the groups! so annoying! dammit! then what else, have this stupid 'game' or wat of speaking chinese! im so sorry or anything, but im and english-speaker and i dun live in a high-society chinese world. rather, i live in an english one.
ok im gonna type some passage. bear with it.
i just really dun noe what's wrong with some poeple these days. it just pissed me off to see all those crapp stuff......
oh and i think penn badgeley and blake lively is the best hollywood couple:)
CREDITS // who: decayedFairytale // what: xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
welcome to theDOOM!
This is my blog. I say vulgarities. So you are welcomed to say here if you like. No spamming though. But leave a tag if you drop by. ADAMLAMBERT(:(:(:
the real superstar
I'm Siying. I'm a great follower of ADAMLAMBERT. I know he's gay, but that's the least of my concerns. He's purely Awesome. Great Music Great persona Great Person. He's HOT. And has the best album in the world. Ok right, I'm a mugger, a swimmer, a PoleVaulter. I hate to study, I hate to swim EVENMORE. I'm in SNSwim, and in Coach Ng's PoleVault academy. And Linkin'Park Crossfade and Daughtry are the coolest bands.And of course, the greatest entertainment of all is the GREAT ADAMLAMBERT. Don't deny that fact.
bold italic underline
Need to go?
Nicole Chong
Amanda Teo
Michelle Low
Retarded Rachel
Nicole Lum
there are no boundaries
come and talk to me
remembering those days
April 2009, May 2009, June 2009, July 2009, August 2009, September 2009, October 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010, June 2010, July 2010, August 2010, November 2010,